Selective Insurance Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:SIGI) Has ...
Selective Insurance Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:SIGI) Has Decline in Shorts December 3, 2017 - By Michael Collier…
Selective Insurance Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:SIGI) Has Decline in Shorts
December 3, 2017 - By Michael Collier
Investors sentiment increased to 1.09 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.07, from 1.02 in 2017Q1. It increased, as 14 investors sold Selective Insurance Group, Inc. shares while 67 reduced holdings. 26 funds opened positions while 62 raised stakes. 44.48 million shares or 0.57% less from 44.73 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported.
Silvercrest Asset Mgmt Group Limited Co has 0.57% invested in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) for 1.07 million shares. Tower Rech Capital Limited Liability (Trc) hold s 0.01% of its portfolio in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) for 1,552 shares. Pitcairn accumulated 5,129 shares. Savings Bank Of Montreal Can holds 0.01% or 105,886 shares in its portfolio. Moreover, Deutsche Comml Bank Ag has 0% invested in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI). Rhumbline Advisers accumulated 125,500 shares. 12,595 are owned by Piedmont Invest Limited Co. 34,825 were reported by Ubs Asset Mgmt Americas. Prudential has 0.02% invested in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) for 209,580 shares. Pub Sector Pension Invest Board owns 30,036 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. The Texas-based Smith Graham And Investment Advsrs L P has invested 1.29% in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI). Raymond James & reported 15,951 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Commonwealth Equity Service Inc reported 10,902 shares. Cubist Systematic Strategies Ltd Liability Corporation owns 0.01% invested in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SI GI) for 3,977 shares. First Trust Advsrs Ltd Partnership invested 0% in Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI).
Since June 7, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 1 insider sale for $437,663 activity.
The stock of Selective Insurance Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:SIGI) registered a decrease of 20.91% in short interest. SIGIâs total short interest was 393,300 shares in December as published by FINRA. Its down 20.91% from 497,300 shares, reported previously. With 141,600 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 3 days to cover their SIGIâs short positions. The short interest to Selective Insurance Group Incorporatedâs float is 0.69%.
The stock decreased 0.33% or $0.2 during the last trading session, reaching $61. About 130,174 shares traded. Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) has risen 41.43% since December 3, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 24.73% the S&P500.
Selective Insurance Group, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides insurance services and products in the United States. The company has market cap of $3.56 billion. It operates in four divisions: Standard Commercial Lines, Standard Personal Lines, Excess and Surplus Lines, and Investments. It has a 21.25 P/E ratio. The companyÃâs services and products include property insurance, which covers the financial consequences of accidental loss of an insuredÃâs real and/or personal property; and casualty insurance that covers the financial consequences of employee injuries in the course of employment, and bodily injury and/or property damage to a third party as a result of an insuredÃâs negligent acts, omissions, or legal liabilities.
Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) Ratings Coverage
Among 5 analysts covering Selective Insurance (NASDAQ:SIGI), 0 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Selective Insurance had 13 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. RBC Capital Markets maintained it with âOutperformâ rating and $40 target in Friday, October 30 report. The stock has âHoldâ rating by Keefe Bruyette & Woods on Friday, October 27. On Monday, July 10 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with âHoldâ. The firm has âOutperformâ rating given on Friday, July 31 by RBC Capital Markets. The rating was maintained by Keefe Bruyette & Woods with âHoldâ on Tuesday, August 15. The firm earned âHoldâ rating on Monday, January 23 by Sandler OâNeill. Wood reinitiated it with âMarket Performâ rating and $38.50 target in Wednesday, May 4 report. As per Wednesday, September 20, the company rating was maintained by Keefe Bruyette & Woods. On Thursday, July 27 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with âHoldâ. RBC Capital Markets maintained Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) rating on Monday, August 28. RBC Capital Markets has âHoldâ rating and $50.0 target .
More notable recent Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) news were published by: which released: âIs Selective Insurance Group (SIGI) a Suitable Stock for Value Investors?â on May 08, 2017, also with their article: âSelective Insurance Groupâs (SIGI) CEO Greg Murphy on Q2 2017 Results â¦Ã¢ published on July 27, 2017, published: âSelective Insurance Groupâs (SIGI) CEO Greg Murphy on Q1 2017 Results â¦Ã¢ on April 29, 2017. More interesting news about Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGI) were released by: and their article: âSelective Insurance Groupâs (SIGI) CEO Greg Murphy on Q3 2017 Results â¦Ã¢ published on October 26, 2017 as well as Businesswire.comâs news article titled: âAM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Selective Insurance Group, Inc. and Its â¦Ã¢ with publication date: September 08, 2017.
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